
Akta's Cutting-Edge AI-Based Video Platform Continues To Innovate, Leveraging Google’s Gemini


Akta, 人工智能视频解决方案的开拓者, proudly announces the groundbreaking integration with Google's Gemini AI model in conjunction with its presence at Stream TV 2024. This collaboration brings cutting-edge artificial intelligence capabilities to the Akta video platform with no code, driving new efficiencies and unlocking powerful innovations for media and entertainment companies.

通过整合双子座, Akta can now leverage advanced AI to automatically enrich video metadata, 提取准确的封闭字幕, 增强内容的货币化, 还有更多. These AI-powered capabilities streamline numerous video workflows, enabling media companies to accomplish more with fewer resources.

"Our integration with Google's Gemini represents a major leap forward for video workflows,阿尔珀·图尔古特说, Chairman, Akta. “通过利用这个令人难以置信的强大人工智能, we can drive new levels of discoverability of content and provide levels of data relevance never seen before in a content management system.  我们提供的能力在这个领域是无与伦比的.  This integration also greatly increases the discoverability and inherent value of our customer’s content through metadata enhancement."

双子座的整合使人类处于循环之中, 使用人工智能生成的元数据, captions, 描述由熟练的专业人员审查和批准. This human-centered approach ensures accuracy while capitalizing on AI's ability to accelerate tedious manual tasks.

By combining Akta’s expertise and innovation with broadcasters and large media & entertainment enterprises and Google’s Gemini capabilities to rapidly develop and manipulate media and the inherent data makes for one powerful platform to be leveraged. “我们相信这是我们媒体转型的时刻 & 娱乐的顾客. What Akta is doing in integrating the power of Gemini as a key component of their already impressive Lura Media Content Platform, now enables true next generation tools for the largest and most progressive media brands in the world,基普·肖尔说, 全球媒体主管 & 娱乐和游戏合作伙伴关系,谷歌云.


丰富的视频元数据: Gemini自动标记具有丰富元数据的视频, 使搜索更容易, organize, 并管理大型视频库. This will yield the best discoverability of content in any video CMS in the market. 

准确的字幕: AI从视频音频中提取精确的封闭字幕, 确保可访问性,同时节省大量时间和成本. Now, 即使视频在制作或播放过程中没有字幕, 他们会有说明文字, 提高可视性.

智能剪辑描述: Short text descriptions are automatically generated for video clips, 支持更快的搜索和内容理解. This makes video editors and operations teams orders of magnitude more productive and eliminates what had been a highly manual process.

零代码能力: The integration allows media teams to harness the power of Google Gemini and its ability to enhance content relevance, metadata and discoverability without having to write a single line of code or integrate with an AI tool.

今天,所有Akta客户都可以使用Gemini集成. 欲了解更多信息,请访问www.akta.科技/双子座.

About Akta

Akta is the high-end digital video platform to power the TV Everywhere and OTT offerings for broadcasters and media companies for both live streaming and video-on-demand. Akta’s turnkey technology streamlines video from ingest to playback and monetization.  Akta is tuned to perform at extreme scale; it is the preferred streaming solution for high value events such as the Super Bowl and WorldCup.  除了SVOD(基于订阅的流媒体), Akta’s Server Side Ad Insertion guarantees the highest-quality delivery of not only the content but also the targeted advertising on all devices. Akta is the leading choice for AVOD (Advertising-based Streaming) and FAST Channel (Free Ad-supported Streaming TV) offerings. Customers include CBS Viacom, Nexstar, Fox TV Stations, Discovery Latam, and TelevisaUnivision.


Q&A: Wurl’s Ria Madrid Discusses BrandDiscovery's Groundbreaking Generative AI for CTV Ads

A Q&她与沃尔的Ria Madrid讨论了品牌发现, their new tech that makes it possible for marketers to precisely match CTV ads with the emotion and context of what viewers are watching to create positive attention, 用普鲁契克的情绪之轮. 媒体等合作伙伴.Monks are already driving impressive results for their clients through Wurl's solution, which uses scene-level contextual targeting to help advertisers align the emotional sentiment of their campaign creatives with content closest to the ad break.


On Monday, May 20, 在纽约流媒体, two lively debates on the topic of AI in Media and Entertainment showcased leading industry figures. 第一个,“人工智能:恩惠还是泡沫?" examined the ways that AI has entered every sector of the media, business, 和科技世界, 它还探讨了人工智能的反叛在多大程度上是一种时尚, 其中有多少是流媒体的未来. The second, 《百家乐软件app最新版下载》," explored the fearmongering around the idea that "AI is coming for our jobs," and focused on how AI/ML might make workflows more efficient and effective, 扩大或改进覆盖面, 并有助于提高利润.


促进对AI编解码器发展的认识, Deep Render的CTO和联合创始人, Arsalan征服者, has launched an educational resource titled "Foundations of AI-Based Codec Development: An Introductory Course.在最近接受《百家乐软件》采访时, Zafar提供了对课程内容的见解, 目标受众, 以及预期结果.

Q&A: AI在广告与伦勃朗的科里·特雷菲莱蒂

科里Treffiletti, 伦勃朗的首席营销官, discusses the company's innovative use of programmatic generative AI for virtual product placements, along with how speedily AI is developing within the advertising industry and the ways it is upending the traditional media buying process.